The Southern Arizona Society of Model Engineers
The Southern Arizona Society of Model Engineers

About Us

SASME Information and Resources


Track plans and information on the club and resources for members. 



President: Frank Flasch

VP: Jim Homan

Secretary: Charlie Weesner

Treasurer: Paul Chandler

Directors: Don Willhoit, Andy Baldwin, E.J. Causbie, Ron Elwood



SASME's Tucson & SouthWestern HO standard gauge layout

SASME's Crown King & McNary HOn3 narrow gauge layout

SASME Constitution
The SASME Constitution
SASME Constitution.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [78.2 KB]
SASME Bylaws
The SASME Bylaws
SASME Bylaws.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [76.8 KB]
SASME Standards
The SASME standards for club track work, motive power, and rolling stock. These
standards apply to any member-owned motive power and rolling stock wishing to
operate on the SASME Club layout.
Adobe Acrobat document [42.6 KB]
The Tucson & SouthWestern Rules
The Tucson & SouthWestern Rules
Adobe Acrobat document [375.4 KB]
SASME Operations Primer
The handout from Robin Preiser's clinic on SASME operations.
Operations Primer.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.6 MB]
SASME Consisted Engines and How-to
A copy of a clinic handout on SASME consisted locomotive pairs and instructions on creating and deleting consists.
Consisted Engines Info.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [372.3 KB]
Building Cars to SASME Standards
The handout from Jim Homan's clinic on building cars to club standards.

Addendum: Never use self-tapping screws for fastening the trucks to the bolster. Self-tapping screws expand the plastic and will interfere with the truck swivel. Which can cause a truck not to swivel thru a tight radius turn or turnout and cause derailments.
SASME standards clinic.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [351.5 KB]
SASME Layout Change Request
The form for club members to request a change to the layout. Print out a copy, complete the form, and submit it to the membership at the next regular business meeting.
Adobe Acrobat document [692.6 KB]

Society Events

Business Meetings

The business meetings occur the first Wednesday of each month, 6:30 PM at the club. 
November 6
December 4
January 1
Work Nights
On work nights, members are encouraged to work on their layout projects or asssist other members. Official start time is 6:30 PM, although members are welcome to begin earlier.  
October 16
November 13 
December 11
Open Running Nights
These are nights to run trains; the club's, or yours, any railroad, any load. This includes standard gauge and narrow gauge. Official start time is 6:30 PM, although members are welcome to begin earlier. 
October 23
November 20
December 25
Prototype Operations
The standard gauge protypical operations are on the third Saturday and last Wednesday of each month.
Standard gauge operations begin at 9:00 AM on Saturdays.   
October 19
November 16
December 21
Standard gauge operations begin at 6:00 PM on Wednesdays.
October 30
* No Operations on November 27 *
* No Operations on December 25 *
Narrow gauge operations are on the second Saturday of each month. 
Narrow gauge operations begin at 9:00AM
October 12
November 9
December 14