The Southern Arizona Society of Model Engineers
The Southern Arizona Society of Model Engineers

Welcome to SASME

The Southern Arizona Society of Model Engineers -- SASME -- is a model railroad club located in Tucson, Arizona.


We began promoting the hobby of model railroading in 1954. We've had several locations over the years, but in 1984 we moved into our present building at 1818 E. Winsett St. Suite A (next to Phil's Tires) Tucson, AZ 85719.


The club's layout includes the HO standard gauge Tucson and South Western Railroad, and the narrow gauge HOn3 Crown King and McNary Railroad. Both the standard gauge and narrow gauge layouts operate on DCC, currently a wireless NCE system.


SASME is a 501c3 non-profit organization promoting model railroad building, operating, and education in a relaxed social setting.


Visitors are welcome at any of our meetings or operating sessions.


Membership and Layout Tours

The club is open to new members, layout tours and just stopping by to say hi. 


Visitors are encouraged to stop by during Prototype Operations or Open Running. See the Society Events panel for the days and times. Business Meetings and Work Nights are open to visitors, as well, just less likely to have any trains running. We are happy to show you around and talk trains.


If you cannot make one of the official meeting times, contact us and we will try to accommodate a tour at a more-convenient time. Click here or on the "Contact Us" link above to access our email form.  


Anyone interested in membership is encouraged to visit the club, get to know us, then submit an application. The details are available in the "SASME Bylaws" on the "Resources" page link above. 

More SASME videos on our YouTube page. Click this link:

Society Events

The SASME Annual Auction is December 7 starting at 12:00 PM at the San Pedro Chapel. The auction is open to members and invited guests. See the Railjoiner newsletter for the details.


The business meetings usually occur the first Wednesday of each month, 6:30 PM at the club. 
Saturday December 7 (at noon, immediately preceeding the Auction)
January 8 (due to the first Wednesday being New Years Day)
February 5
Work Nights
On work nights, members are encouraged to work on their layout projects or asssist other members. Official start time is 6:30 PM, although members are welcome to begin earlier.  
December 11
January 8 & 15
February 12
Open Running Nights
These are nights to run trains; the club's, or yours; any railroad, any load. This includes standard gauge and narrow gauge. Official start time is 6:30 PM, although members are welcome to begin earlier. 
December 18
January 1 & 22
February 19
Prototype Operations
The standard gauge protypical operations are on the third Saturday and last Wednesday of each month.
Saturday standard gauge operations begin at 9:00 AM.   
December 21
January 18
February 15
Wednesday standard gauge operations begin at 6:00 PM.
* No Operations on December 25 *
January 29
February 26
Narrow gauge operations are on the second Saturday of each month. 
Narrow gauge operations begin at 9:00AM
December 14
January 11
February 8